Thursday, January 27, 2011

Valentine's Day Ideas for Your Wife

Rosesphoto © 2006 Rebecca Partington | more info (via: Wylio) If I've learned nothing else from my marriage, I've learned this: Valentines day is still important after marriage. Men often go all out for their girlfriends or women they may be trying to convince to be their girlfriends, but some men forget the basics after they get married. Make Valentine's Day special for your wife!

So how do you do that?

When I asked my wife about what we should do for this upcoming Valentine's Day, she said "nothing, we have no time, money, or sleep!" While all of this is true, I'm pretty sure I can come up with something she will love! No matter your circumstances or situation, you know your wife and I'm confident you can make her feel special, at least for one day!

Here's a few Valentines Day tips and ideas -

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Marital Privacy: Self-Disclosure

I stumbled upon this article from The Chicago Tribune about a how to have more happiness in marriage.  It's main point was to express that "consistent, quality conversation" can improve your marriage.  However, it mentioned something in passing that I think deserves more attention AND acts as a good follow-up to my post last week about privacy in marriage.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Top 5 Posts of 2010

I realize that I am a little bit late with this "top posts of 2010" post, but I still wanted to do it! Since I started this blog in May 2010, this list is also the top 5 blog posts of all time! If you haven't read these posts you probably should. So without further ado...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Date Your Wife Date Idea - Dessert!

Dessert is a great date idea ...and not only because it is delicious!  Dessert is somewhat of a novelty around our house (although we seemed to have more when my wife was pregnant!) espcially when it comes to professionally made desserts.

Monday, January 10, 2011

How Much Privacy Should You have in Marriage?

Privacyphoto © 2008 Rob Pongsajapan | more info (via: Wylio)
I have been pretty busy welcoming a new son into the world, but I been catching bit and pieces of a news story that has definitely got my attention, so I thought I would weigh in with my thoughts.

As you might has guessed, it is the pending case in Michigan against husband, Leon Walker.  You can find a pretty good summary of it here, but if you haven't heard, the gist of it is that he is being sued because he read his wife's e-mail (and found out that yes, in fact she was having an affair).  I don't really want to discuss much about the legal nuances of the case, but it has brought up an interesting question: How much privacy do/should we have from our spouse?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

How Do You Date Your Wife?

I've been doing a weekly Date Your Wife post for some time now.  I've have shared with you many of my dates with my wife, but it has gotten me thinking... What do you do to date your wife?

Therefore, I am asking you to send me some of your most fun dates and I will feature them on a Friday for my weekly Date Your Wife date idea!  I will include links to your blogs, sites, Twitter, or whatever you would like! 

Please send your date ideas to:

What are you waiting for? ...send me a date idea!  I am looking froward to getting some great new ideas for my wife and I to use!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Introducing the Preemie Dads Blog

I want to introduce you to my new blog project - The Preemie Dads Blog!

I have been thinking about doing something like this for some time now, but I guess the pending premature birth of my 2nd son was enough to kick me in gear (it's happening tomorrow - Tuesday 1/4).  My ultimate goal and vision for "PreemieDads" is for it to be a place for support and resources for Dads with Preemies in the NICU and Beyond. I also have included a discussion boardf to help build the community!

With the blog, I have started a new twitter account - @PreemieDads.  So go follow me (especially tomorrow it is from this account that I will be providing updates about my new son.

So if you are a preemie dad, going to be a preemie dad, know a preemie dad, or are interested in preemies or dads, head over and check it out!!