As you might has guessed, it is the pending case in Michigan against husband, Leon Walker. You can find a pretty good summary of it here, but if you haven't heard, the gist of it is that he is being sued because he read his wife's e-mail (and found out that yes, in fact she was having an affair). I don't really want to discuss much about the legal nuances of the case, but it has brought up an interesting question: How much privacy do/should we have from our spouse?
My answer: Very little.
If you are going to become "one flesh" with your spouse, there should be no holding back. Commit to a 100% open relationship or don't commit at all. Go big or go home! Honesty and security are very important aspects of the marriage relationship. Is it honest, or does your spouse feel secure if you have secret e-mail or bank accounts? Probably not. Yes, my wife knows all my accounts and passwords (in fact, most of them are joint!) and you want to know the only downside? it makes it hard to hide Christmas or Birthday gifts!
Some of you might say that I am wrong because a good relationship is built on trust, to which I would say "Amen!" ...but to be trust-worthy you have to be open with each other.
...besides, what could you possibly have to hide?
What do you think about privacy of information in marriage? how does it work in your marriage?