Monday, January 3, 2011

Introducing the Preemie Dads Blog

I want to introduce you to my new blog project - The Preemie Dads Blog!

I have been thinking about doing something like this for some time now, but I guess the pending premature birth of my 2nd son was enough to kick me in gear (it's happening tomorrow - Tuesday 1/4).  My ultimate goal and vision for "PreemieDads" is for it to be a place for support and resources for Dads with Preemies in the NICU and Beyond. I also have included a discussion boardf to help build the community!

With the blog, I have started a new twitter account - @PreemieDads.  So go follow me (especially tomorrow it is from this account that I will be providing updates about my new son.

So if you are a preemie dad, going to be a preemie dad, know a preemie dad, or are interested in preemies or dads, head over and check it out!!