Sunday, November 21, 2010

Introducing a Week of Preemie Dads!!

As we all know, the blog-o-sphere is dominated by Moms, while the Dad's perspective is just starting to find a place.  As I've mentioned many times before, Prematurity Awareness Month  is November, and last Wednesday (11/17) was Prematurity Awareness Day.  This was my first Awareness Day as a blogger and I was happy to share the story of my preemie son to the world. Through this experience, I noticed that the Fathers of preemies don't have much of a voice, so this week, the last week of Prematurity Awareness Month, I wanted to give some Preemie Dads a voice!

For each day this week, I will feature a story, thoughts, and/or experiences of a different preemie Dad!

I have been honored to converse via Twitter with a number of other preemie dads, including those who will be featured (check out my list if you want to know who they are - and let me know if you are one and are not on it). I am really looking forward do it and hope that you are too!

Stay tuned, because it all starts tomorrow!