First, I wanted to thank all you awesome people out there who are reading my posts and especially all of you who are trying to be a Better Husband and a Better Father. I keep a close eye on the blog's stats and its often humbling see all you stopping by (even if you don't leave a lot of comments!!). The second thing I want to do with my 100th post is to tell you a little more about my wife.
Every post I write is about being a Better Husband and Father, and while I have spoken often about my son, you probably don't know too much about how awesome my wife is. So, here is goes...
I started this blog in May of this year with her full support and she has been so patient as I have been dedicating a lot of time to writing. She knows how important it is to me and she has been amazingly understanding and supportive about it.
In addition to that, she is amazing in a lot of other ways, let me name a few...
- She Cares - My wife cares about me and she takes care of me. When I'm hurt (physically or emotionally) she is there to help me. She also cares about others. One time after reading about the needs of a local food bank, she bought a few things and delivered it to the food bank the next day (despite our financial situation).
- She's Beautiful - I had to include this one because she probably doesn't hear it enough, sometimes I think I take her beauty for granted. This is, obviously, the first thing I noticed about her when I met her and its the first thing I notice about her everyday.
- She Motivates me to be Better - I realize how special she is and I am lucky to have her. I know she deserves the best from me and, ultimately, this is the reason for my blog. I want to be the kind of husband that she expects, wants, and deserves.
- She has Babies - It goes without saying that I could never be strong enough to be pregnant and have babies (not considering the physical impossibility). Any woman who has a baby amazes me, but my wife's first pregnancy and my son's birth was a very traumatic and emotional experience for the whole family (you can ready about it here). After all that, she got right back on the horse and was excited to bring another child into our family. She truly is amazing and I love her for being so strong and sacrificing a lot to have a family with me.
- She is an Awesome Mom - You may think you have an awesome mom, or that your wife is an awesome mom, but you have never met my wife. She redefines awesome. First, she is currently a stay at home mom, which is the toughest job in the world. Second, she teaches, takes care of, and loves our son with all her heart.
She is the reason I have this blog, so I thought you all needed to know that!
Tell me why you love your wife in the comments! (if you don't comment, I'll assume you don't love your wife)