This is my 4th installment in the 5 ways to be a better father series.
#1 - Quality Time/Getting Involved
#2 - Patience
#3 - Express Love
#4 - Be an Example
#5 - Respect Their Mother-
I almost called this attribute of being a Better Father "Love Your Wife," however, I realize that for many families its not that simple. You're wife may not be the mother of your children, you may be separated from your children's mother, you may not be married to their mother, etc... No matter your family circumstance, you should always respect your kids' mom (I recently wrote about the important of respecting women in this post). What if she doesn't deserve your respect, you ask? well then, Fake it around your kids.
Children learn from example. Hopefully they will learn, from your example, how to treat people they care about. As a father this becomes even more important when you have sons. Teach them how to love and respect the women in their lives.
In addition, when you respect their mother, they will respect you. How could a child respect a man if he's talking badly about someone they love?