After being told it may be difficult to become pregnant again my wife, Lisa, and I decided to start giving it a shot. To our surprise, 2 weeks later we found out that
SHE IS PREGNANT (2 weeks ago). While the ease of getting pregnant was a bit of a surprise, it was a very welcome one. We are very excited, but a bit nervous to see what this pregnancy's why...
Early in her pregnancy with our only child, Joshua, Lisa was diagnosed with a Bicornuate, or heart-shaped uterus, and we were told that the odds were against us that she would carry him full-term. Sure enough the trouble started at 15 weeks gestation and continued off and on until she was about 27 weeks along. At about 27 weeks, she was admitted into the hospital on bed-rest rest due to a bleeding and contractions. She was in and out of the hospital until one day while she was in the hospital an
emergency C-Section was deemed necessary. She was only
29 weeks and 6 days gestation. This was very scary for us and many prayers were uttered and tears shed. Although at about 30 weeks, his chances of survival in our day and age was pretty good, it comes with a lot of risks and potential side-effects. This is Joshua at 4 days old, he needed a little help breathing with CPAP, and 40 days in the NICU, but overall was born a healthy little boy at 3 lbs 12 oz.
You can understand now, why a new pregnancy brings back the experiences of the first and with it a lot of emotions. Its daunting to think we will probably have similar experiences with Baby #2 and can only hope that it also has a similar happy ending. Here is Joshua at 2 years old, he has caught up with his size, and the only effect of his prematurity is that he is far-sighted, so he just got the cutest glasses!
Joshua's journey to earth made our marriage stronger as we had to lean on each other for emotional and physical support. God also taught us many important lessons through those trials, one being how miraculous the pregnancy process is and another how much a child can bless our lives. While there were some postive lessons learned, we would definitely be grateful for a nice smooth, full-term, 2nd pregnancy!
So, wish me luck and let me know, in the comments, what to expect with 2! Also, any other fathers of Preemies out there? Whats your story?