Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Trend Towards More Women and Moms in the Workforce

I came across an article recently that got my attention from The Atlantic titled "The End of Men." This title naturally got my attention, so I dove in to see what I could find.

The article is VERY long, and I didn't have 4 hours to read all of it so I only got about half-way through. But, unless there was a big "JK" at the end of the article, I don't think I missed anything.  I will say, however, that many interesting statistics were provided and the trend of more women in the workforce is impossible to refute, but I believe she takes it a bit too far. Here are a few of my reactions to it...

"With few exceptions, the greater the power of women, the greater the country’s economic success."

I don't care what numbers she's looking at, implying that women having more power in an economy causes success is a stretch.  Could it be that when an economy is more successful it provides more opportunities for woman to have power by shifting jobs from labor to intellectual industries without consideration of which gender has more power?

I believe Men and Woman are equal.  However, I believe God has given us different inherent qualities that provides balance in the family, which the article wrongly categorizes as "old stereotypes and habits."  For example, men were given competitiveness to be able to provide for their family, and women, patience to nurture and care for their children (not to mention a higher tolerance for pain for childbirth!).  I am not opposed to women in the workforce, but this article seemed to belittle men and lessen their importance in the economy and society!

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