Thursday, February 3, 2011

Be a Better Father by Taking Care of Yourself

If you've flown before (and actually paid attention to the safety announcements or safety cards) you know that in the event that the cabin should loose air pressure, oxygen masks will fall from the ceiling.  You also know that the bags will not inflate and you are to put your mask on first BEFORE assisting others with you (even your children).  I think this also applies to a lot of aspects of parenting. If you are going to be the best father you can be, you have got to take care of yourself.

Of course being a dad means making  sacrifices and I'm in no way saying that you should shirk any of your family responsibilities, but taking care of your self is important too.  In fact, when you are at your best individually, you will be a Better Father too!

Here are some ways to take care of yourself to help you be the best father you can be:
  • Physically -Eat healthy, exercise, and get enough sleep. When these three things are in order, it makes for a much happier, healthier daddy! (not to mention the great example you will be setting for your kids)
  • Spiritually - Being spiritually healthy will help you immeasurably. Having spiritual strength will help be patient, understanding, as well as being able to recieve inspiration from heaven for your family. Read scripture, pray, attend sunday school and worship services.
  • Socially - You and your wife have friend that are couples, but it is important that you find a group of guys that you can talk with and do things with once in a while. Friends that will give you advice and be a good influence on you. Surround yourself with great people and it will make you a better person... and father!
  • Find a Hobby - My hobbys seem to change from month to month.  One day I will be into reading, then the next its a new game on the computer (darn you farmville!).  Watching sports, or attending sporting events is also a good, rather common, hobby.  Whatever your hobby is, find something you are passionate about!
What do you do to take Care of Yourself??
photo credit: hyperbolation via Flickr