#1 - Saying "I love you"
This may seen obvious, but I hear way too many stories of husbands who don't verbally express love to their wife. To me this doesn't just mean a "love you, bye" at the end of your phone conversation. Instead, stop what your doing, focus your attention on your wife, look her in the eyes and say "I love you." This is an easy thing to do, and if you're not already doing it, it will have a great impact.
Obviously, you need to walk to the talk. Showing your wife you love them is even more important. To do this most effectively, you'll have to know your her love language. The idea of love languages originates from Dr Chapman's book "The 5 Love Languages
My wife feels loved when she knows I'm thinking about her when I am not with her. This means, she is a classic gift-languaged woman. To help her know that I love her, I'll leave her notes, bring her back a little something when I go to the grocery store, or just an email during the day. by doing these things, she knows I'm thinking about her and knows I love her.
Do you know your wife's love language? How do you show love for her?