Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Spiritual Thought: Is it I?

During the last week of Jesus' life he ate what is known as in Christendom as "The Last Supper." He was surrounded by his twelve apostles for the Passover feast. During this event, He declared "one of you shall betray me."

Have you ever thought about that? I mean, really thought about it? How would you feel if you had been sitting at that table? you had been faithful to him, you put up with persecution for him, you've loved him and served him, you knew he was the Son of God and the Savior of the world. Yet, Jesus said there was one there that was going to betray him.  Perhaps, if you were there, you may of had an inkling Judas was up to something, perhaps not. Maybe you've had experiences with some of the other twelve that led you to think "oh, that James, I could see him doing something like that!" But not these twelve, they each gave the same response...

"Lord, Is it I?"

Wow! No finger-pointing, blaming, speculation, etc.  just a simple humble question..."is it I?" When we have problems in our marriage or with our wife, do we point fingers? or do we look inward and ask "is it I?" and try to be a better husband?

Action Item: When you and your wife have an argument, ask youself  "is it I?" Find something that you can do better, to be a better husband. Stop pointing fingers at her, or blaming her for the problems in your relationship.  There is always something you can do to be a better husband!