My wife has had to endure many burdens recently.
Most of the time I jump at the opportunity to share my wifes burdens and do what ever it takes to make them lighter. For example, do extra things around the house, change an extra couple of diapers, let her sleep in on the weekends, or give her more frequent girl's nights out... what ever she needs! I am happy to say these things work wonders when trying to make my wife's burdens lighter.
Men are problem solvers, that's what we are programed to do, but what do we do when our wives are faced with a burden that you can't make lighter? This is the situation I was in (and still am to a degree) and was desperately searching for ways to make the burden lighter, but there was little I could do.
My wife has postpartum depression (that may have morphed into the regular depression).
Our son is 9 months old, so it's been going on for quite some time. Sure I can do things to take care of her. To name a few: making dinners, changing/feeding baby, getting up with baby at night, coming home from work at lunch to make lunch for the family, etc. All of these things, I feel, help to keep the burden from increasing, but does little to curb the depression.
For any of you whose wife has gone through this or other challenges, How did you share your wife's burden or make it lighter?
PS - As I am discussing making burdens lighter, it would be reckless of me not to mention that we all can receive divine assistance while dealing with our burdens. I am not advocating, however, that we rely only on God to ease burdens such as depression - I recognize that it is treatable medical condition and that counseling or medications are sometimes necessary and can be very effective.