Thursday, February 17, 2011

Survey Results: Husbands' Biggest Opportunities to be Better

Last week we looked at  What Qualities wives want in their husband.  As we continue to look at the results from the survey for wives, today we will look at Question 2 (If you are a wife and haven't taken my survey, please join 53 other women and go take it now!) ...and no, I won't keep going this slow in posting results, the first 2 questions were pretty loaded so they deserved their own post.

To help you put Question #2 results into perspective, please refresh your memory on Question 1 (which qualities are most important to wives), because this week we talk about this question:

On a scale from 1-10 (1-low, 10-high), how would you rank YOUR husband in the following qualities?

By looking as these responses we are able to see where the biggest opportunities are for husbands to improve.  It was the answer to this question, more than any other, that I was interested in knowing when I developed this survey...and I think we learned a lot.

First, the results: the following list is in order from what husbands do best to what we do worst:
  1. Faithful (Average Rating: 7.96) - As you might have guessed there was not a lot of middle ground here, mainly 1's and 10's here.

  2. Honest (7.51)

  3. Motivated (6.17)

  4.  Selfless (6.00)

  5.  Sensitive (5.69)

  6.  Attentive (5.47)

  7.  Romantic (4.83)

What did we learn?

  • The 2 highest ranking qualities were also rated the 2 most important! Way to go fellas!
  • Our two biggest opportunities, as husbands, are attentiveness and romance.  I was not surprised at romance, but slightly surprised about disparity in the attentiveness results.
  • The lowest ranked quality in importance (motivation) made it into #3 in the actual husband rankings.