It's easy (and sorts of cliche) to say things like "remember the reason for the season" and "keep Christ in Christmas." You've heard all this before so instead of pleading with you to remember Christ, I just wanted to share with you some of my thoughts about Christ, His birth, His life, and His divinity.
When reading the Christmas in Luke 2, I am always in awe at the obedience and humility of Mary and Joseph as they made there way to Bethlehem and eventually to the stable. To be chosen to be the earthly parent's of our Lord and Savior was an honor bestowed upon these righteous individuals for a reason.
When I think of his birth in the stable, I can't help but think that he deserved much better. In fact, God could have provided much better. Don't you think Mary and Joseph could have been led to a inn that did have room? or that God could have inspired a local person to invite them into their home? there were many opportunities for God to show His hand and take care of His son, but he didn't.. why?? No doubt it is a lesson in humility to us - He who was greatest of all, was born in a stable and, in fact, lived most of his recorded life without a permanent home.
There are some who says its just a fanciful story, but I know Christ was born to Mary in Bethlehem 2,010 years ago! More significant then his birth was his suffering in Gethsemane and his death on the cross, he died so we could live!
Remember Christ this Christmas; His birth, life, and atoning sacrifice!