I know it has been a while, but today we finally continue on the Top Five Ways to be a Better Husband series.
#1 - Saying "I love you"
#2 - Service
#3 - Hold Hands (or other frequent non-sexual touch)
Holding hands seems like such a simple thing - because it is! This is one of the pieces of advice that my own mother gave me before I got married and one that she and my father exemplify. I think this is important to do for 3 reasons - 1) It is a public display of your affection for your wife. It displays love to her and to those around you, 2) It creates a bond between you only achieved through physical touch, and 3) It is hard to stay mad at someone when you're holding their hand.
Of course, holding hands is only one way we can experience non-sexual touch with our wife. There are numerous ways to do this and only you know which way is best for your wife. But try this, next time you are walking down the street, or sitting in the movie theater, or even driving in the car, reach over and grab your wife's hand! Do it consistently and I know it will make a difference in your marriage!
Do you hold your wife's hand? How has it helped you?