As we all strive to be Better Husbands, it's important to know our limitations. In fact, its knowledge of these limitations that will help us be Better Husbands.
In general, men are problem solvers. When we hear a problem, we KNOW we can fix it. We jimmy-rig this, tweak that and somehow make it work! Unfortunately it does not work this way with our wives.
When I was first married, I did not realize why my wife relied on her mom, her friends, or even herself to help her get through things. Now, I embrace it! Not that I do not want to help, but now I realize the position we are in as husbands and that sometimes our wives just need the help and support of other people (Note: I am not talking about airing the dirty laundry of your relationship for friends and/or family to see - I'm not talking about relationship problems at all).
I have often fallen into the trap of trying to meet all her needs and solve all her problem... sometimes it just makes it worse. It's a smart man who knows when to keep keep his both shut and listen instead of always trying to solve the problem.