The Date: This has been a VERY busy week for me at home. On Tuesday alone, I primed and painted our entire bathroom, while my wife and a friend bottled 30 quarts of pears. As I write this it is Thursday and tonight I am going to put the finishing touches on the bathroom and assemble my son's new bed. We are doing all this to prepare for baby #2's arrival and any potential pregnancy complications (i.e. bed rest, etc.). Why do I tell you this?
I tell you this, because in the process of "nesting," my wife and I are actually spending a good amount of time together! We will be serving each other and working toward a common goal. Nesting is a process of preparing a "nest" to receive your new child. We have a ways to go, but I think preparing for him will be a fun time that my wife and I can spend together (and most of the time it will be when my son is in bed).
The Challenge: Work together with your wife to a common goal. Start a new project, or something you've started that you have been putting off finishing. It will feel great accomplishing something together! Whatever
you decide to do, just make sure that you date your wife! Let me know your date plans for this weekend in the comments!
Cost: There is no additional costs above what we would already be spending on furniture, paint, etc.
Click here for more info about the Date Your Wife series
Last Week's Date: Our "Semi"-anniversary