As a follow-up to my post on how to be a better Husband, I will layout my top 5 ways that I feel we can be better fathers. I'd like to preface this post by saying I still have less then 2 years experience being a father, so I am somewhat shooting in the dark here....please correct me where I am wrong.
#1 - Spending time and getting involved
Life is busy, but we make time for what is important for us. Not only are our children important to us, but we are important to them. They need us, they depend on us. I only have one child, but if you have more than one I would say that one-on-one time with each of your children is also important. Learn about who they are, ask them questions, get to know their struggles, desires, and goals. Involve yourself into their lives by coaching their sports team, taking them fishing, or finding some other hobby to share. This will help grow the bond between father and child.
#2 - Have Patience
As I have become a father I have needed to improve this "virtue." Whether its being awake all night, throwing tantrums, not eating what their given, and so much more children try our patience. Having patience with your children will send a message of love to them, while losing your temper or yelling could have lasting negative consequences.
#3 - Say "I Love You"
Just as saying I love you to your wife is important, saying I love you to your children is also important. I believe expressions of love are as important for their emotional development and just knowing that Dad loves them.
#4 -Be a Good Example
This is the best way to teach your children. By your example you can teach them integrity, honesty, spirituality, patience and much, much more. Your actions speak louder than your words. You children need to see how they should act.
#5 -Respect their Mother
Whether married, divorced, or never wed, respect your children's mother. Most likely their mother is very close to them and they love her, so its your job to at least respect her. This obviously becomes more important when you are married to their mother, you should always love and honor her. In addition, for your sons, this should lead to a lifelong commitment to respect the women in his life.
As always, please let me know where I missed the mark, or what tips you have!
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